About Visit Longmont
Visit Longmont partners with the City of Longmont to provide you with the best information about the wealth of activities in and around the city.
We’re eager to share Longmont’s signature attractions, cultural events, culinary enticements, recreational opportunities, and much more.
The mission of Visit Longmont is to manage, market, develop and enhance the image, and the historical, cultural, business, meeting and recreational assets; to draw regional, national and international tourism to Longmont and surrounding areas.
Sarah Leonard
CEO | Chief Destination Stewardship Officer
Gera Sivak-Salva
Tourism Manager
Kristen Garland
Digital Content Manager
Nikki Tooker
Visitor Center & Office Manager
Monty the Longmonster
Chief Vibe and Engagement Strategist
Learn all about Monty | Todo Sobre Monty
Did you know that Monty is available to appear at Longmont community events? Submit your event request here.
Executive Committee
Lee Reissig, At-Large Appointee– Board Chair
Dave Fluegge, Fluegge Consulting, At-Large Appointee - Vice Chair
Erin Fosdick, CEO, Longmont Economic Development Partnership (LEDP) At-Large Appointee- Treasurer
Board Members
Councilwoman Diane Crist, City Council Representative
Kimberlee McKee, Longmont Downtown Development Authority (LDDA), Economic Development Seat
Carla Colin, CEO Latino Chamber of Commerce of Boulder County, At-Large Board Appointee
Byron Kominek, Jack’s Solar Farm, Sustainability Sector Seat
Jeff Friesner, Dir. Recreation and Culture, City of Longmont, Outdoor Recreation Seat
Erik Mason, Museum Director, Longmont Museum, Arts & Culture Seat
Harish Dand, Owner, Hilton Garden Inn, Accommodations Seat
Michele Pullo, Dir. Business Development, EightBlack Transportation, Tourism Seat
Non-Voting Members
Laura Moody Redevelopment and Revitalization Manager
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