Longmont is home to two premier fishing destinations. St. Vrain State Park is a family-friendly location for visitors seeking a peaceful and simple outdoor break. This park offers 604 acres of land and 152 acres of water split among several ponds. St. Vrain State Park offers Bluegill, Black Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Red Ear Sunfish, Yellow Perch, Saugeve, Northern Pike, Channel Catfish and Rainbow Trout. Trout fishing is excellent in the spring and fall with ice fishing availability in the winter. Another great option in Longmont is Pella Crossing. Pella Crossing Open Space is located just west of Longmont in Hygiene and offers fishing and walking trails. Pella Crossing is a wetland habitat and supports aquatic plant and animal life and serves to lure in large numbers of migrating bird species. With grasses, wildflowers and trees surrounding the wetlands, these areas are biologically diverse both in and out of the water. Fishing ponds include Heron Lake, Sunset, Poplar, Dragonfly and Clearwater Ponds. Species of fish range from Black Crappie, Bluegill and Channel Catfish to Large and Smallmouth Bass, Yellow Perch and Rainbow Trout!