Longmont, CO, July 10, 2024 —Visit Longmont, the non-profit, destination marketing and management (DMMO) organization promoting travel to the community, appointed two new board directors at their latest board meeting.

“I am pleased to announce the appointments of Michele Pullo, with EightBlack Transportation and Erin Fosdick, CEO of the Longmont Economic Development Partnership (LEDP) to the Visit Longmont Board of Directors,” said Visit Longmont CEO Sarah Leonard. “Their extensive experience and leadership will be invaluable as we continue to promote Longmont to potential travelers and generate economic and quality of life benefits for our community.”

Michelle Pullo

Michele Pullo, Director of Business Development with EightBlack Transportation was appointed to a tourism business seat with a term through December 2025. Michele resides in Longmont with her husband, two children, her mother, and two dogs. She previously was a past editor of Macaroni KID, providing a lifeline for event-starved parents. As the Director of Business Development for Eight Black, Ms. Pullo creates seamless travel experiences with a touch of hometown hospitality.

Erin Fosdik

Erin Fosdick is the President & CEO for the LEDP, an organization leading a collaborative, comprehensive economic development strategy to promote and strengthen Longmont’s economic health. Ms. Fosdick was appointed to a three-year term as an At-Large Director to the Visit Longmont board. She leads efforts focused on talent, industry, impact, place, and connectivity. With over 20 years of experience in community and economic development, Erin focuses on primary industry attraction and retention, collaboration, tactical and strategic leadership, community involvement, and placemaking.

About Visit Longmont: The mission of Visit Longmont, a private 501c (6) nonprofit organization, is to support, market, develop, and enhance historical, cultural, business, meeting, and recreational activities that increase visitation to the City of Longmont and surrounding areas to establish and develop the community of Longmont as a desirable destination for visitors and enrich the economic well-being of the community.

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